The grade level curriculum documents are organized by individual grade levels and include information about transitioning to the Common Core State Standards.
Working in groups and collaboration can be difficult for some students. Here is a rubric that will help students understand what is expected.
Mind maps have become a more powerful tool with the developing technologies. The tools that we can use to create mind maps are much more appealing with their bright colors, flexibility and the ability to use different multimedia. Here are some of the mind mapping tools to engage your students more in their own learning.
A Lexile measure is a valuable piece of information about either an individual's reading ability or the difficulty of a text, like a book or magazine article. The Lexile measure is shown as a number with an "L" after it - 880L is 880 Lexile. This web site helps provide teachers and parents with information about appropriate books at certain Lexile levels.
Five Things Teachers Should be Doing to Prepare for the Common Core
Characteristics of mathematically Proficient Students - The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important "processes and proficiencies" with long-standing importance in mathematics education. (Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, p. 6)
Implementing Standards for Mathematical Practice Rubric (Draft)
Resources to Implementing Standards for Mathematical Practice Rubric
Visible Thinking is a flexible and systematic research-based approach to integrating the development of students' thinking with content learning across subject matters. This site provides a convenient way to learn about visible thinking as well as thorough descriptions of the ideals, routines and activities that were developed from research in K-12 schools.
The Daily 5 is more than a management system or a curriculum framework - it is a structure that helps students develop the daily habits of reading, writing, and working independently that will lead to a lifetime of literacy independence. Check this site for more information.
The Reading and Writing Project offers professional development and sample lessons. Check it out.
Ventura County Office of Education Resource Page
Teaching Creativity with the Common Core
Guidelines and Resources for Professional Learning Communities
Free Tools to implement Common Core State Standards
ASCD has created EduCore, an online collection of products, services and ideas to help educators transition to using the Common core State Standards in their classrooms. EduCore's math resources include formative lessons, videos, teacher lesson plans and tools for students.
Added: 3/7/13
Added: 4/22/13
Math Resources
Added: 8/23/13
Spanish Language Arts, Literacy in History/Social Sciences, Science and Technical Subjects