The Expanded Learning/After School programs must be aligned with, and not be a repeat of, the content of regular school day and other extended learning opportunities. A safe physical and emotional environment, as well as opportunities for relationship building, must be provided. Expanded Learning/After School programs must consist of the two elements below. Program leaders work closely with school site principals and staff to align both elements with the school's curriculum, instruction, and learning support activities.
1. Educational and Literacy opportunities- provide tutoring and/or homework assistance designed to help students meet state standards in one or more of the following core academic subjects: reading/language arts, mathematics, history, and social studies, or science. A broad range of activities may be implemented based on local student needs and interests.
2. Educational and Literacy opportunities- must offer an array of services, programs, and activities that reinforce and complement the school’s academic program. Educational enrichment may include but is not limited to, positive youth development strategies, recreation, and prevention activities. Such activities might involve the visual and performing arts, music, physical activity, health/nutrition promotion, and general recreation; career awareness and work preparation activities; community service-learning; and other youth development activities based on what student needs and interests are.