(805) 641-5496 - 316 Howard St, Ventura CA

Congratulations to Our Reclassified Students!
On May 31, we celebrated Angelica Matehuala, Laila Tejeda Mendiola, and David Reyes for their reclassification. These students have demonstrated proficiency in reading and writing in English comparable to that of a native English speaker while maintaining their Spanish skills. Congratulations! Keep up the great work!El 31 de mayo celebramos a Angélica Matehuala, Laila Tejeda Mendiola y David Reyes por su reclasificación. Estos estudiantes demostraron dominio de la lectura y la escritura en inglé...
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Summerfest Fun Run!

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Summerfest Fun Run!
Will Rogers Elementary School runners did amazing at the Summerfest run. All of our students ran a 1 mile race. Our team won fastest team over all AND the most participant award. We’d also like to thank all of our parents and family members who participated. We'd also like to recognize Mrs. De Witte, Mrs. Escobedo and Mrs. Jacobs who have dedicated so much time and effort to make our team successful, THANK YOU!Please CLICK HERE for stats and times of the races. 
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Robotics Club 2016

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Robotics Club 2016
This Spring 20 of our third, fourth, and fifth graders participated in our new "Robotics Club" taught by Mrs. Bento. Every Thursday for 5 weeks students would explore robotics, technology, and coding concepts with the simple task of "make something that does something." Students had the option of using Dash and Dot Robots, Cubelets, LEGO WeDo, or even LEGO Movie to make stop-motion films. Many students created short videos and movies of their experience using iMovie. Check out some of their grea...
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Green Team 2016

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Green Team 2016
This Spring 20 3rd - 5th graders joined Mr. Soles for our Green Team after school enrichment program. During Green Team the students participated in environmental science themed lessons such as studying soil samples, mapping water flow through our schoolyard habitat, and observing our native food webs. Additionally, the students helped to maintain our beautiful gardens by weeding, pruning, and spreading mulch. They even helped to stain-finish our new dry erase message center! This message center...
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CODE.org Course I for 1st and 2nd graders

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CODE.org Course I for 1st and 2nd graders
This Spring 24 first and second graders joined Ms. Chapman after school for a special CODE.org Course I enrichment program. During the class the students made their way through the CODE.org Course I curriculum which teaches basic coding and computer programming skills. Joining Ms. Chapman were five student teachers who graduated from our CODE.org Course II and III classes earlier in the school year. These CODE superstars included Emily G from 5th grade, Devon K. and Josue R. from 4th grade, and ...
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Congratulations Will Rogers Parents for Participating in Our Family Literacy Project!
Felicidades a los padres de Will Rogers que se graduaron de nuestro Proyecto de Lectura Familiar.  Ellos asistieron 9 sesiones por la tarde aquí en Will Rogers. Las clases fueron impartidas por la Sra. Escobedo-Esquivel y la Sra. Rebeca Castro.  Los padres se involucraron en reflexiones profundas y dialogaron acerca de diferentes temas mientras leían historias multiculturales.   Sus experiencias fueron plasmadas en la creación de un álbum familiar. Además, aprendieron como leer un libro y como a...
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| Categories: | Tags: | View Count: (2018)

Science Fair 2016

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Science Fair 2016
Congratulations to all of our participants and winners of our 24th annual Science Fair here at Will Rogers! All K-5 students were invited to complete a project in one of three categories: experiment, engineering, or research. All projects were scored on process, display, creativity, and live presentation.  Our judges included Bret Klopfenstein, VUSD Science Specialist; Steve Hongola, Senior Ecologist from Rincon Consulting Inc.; and Judy Anderson, Will Rogers' part-time science teacher. There wa...
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International Day 2016!

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International Day 2016!
International Day was an awesome trip around the world.  Each grade level represented a country or area of the world. Kindergartners took us to Asia to see panda bears, Chinese lanterns and koi ponds. First grade allowed us to travel all over South America where we got to listen to samba music, see the ancient ruins of Tikal, and learn about the many countries of South America. Second grade took us to Africa where we learned about their native language Swahili; saw many tribal masks and students...
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Green Ribbon Schools Award Press Release

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Green Ribbon Schools Award Press Release
Will Rogers was selected as one of twelve California public schools in 2016 to receive a Green Ribbon Award for excellence in environmental science facilities, curriculum, and health and wellness. This official press release was released on February 26, 2016. VUSD superintendent Dr. Michael Babb, Will Rogers Principal Danielle Cortes, and Will Rogers Teachers Mandi de Witte and Kris Guzman attended the award ceremony press conference event in Alameda, CA on February 26th.
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LEGO Club Winter 2016

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LEGO Club Winter 2016
Last Thursday the 4th and 5th graders in the after school LEGO club finished their "Construction Site" engineering and coding LEGO projects. The students met with class teacher Ms. Moraga for 5 weeks after school to build tower cranes, forklifts, and drawbridges out of LEGOs, and then program them using basic coding skills to operate on motion and tilt sensors. On the last day of the class the students shared their projects by creating iMovies, featured below. It was a fun learning experience fo...
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