No internet?
The California Broadband Council and the Federal Communications Commission have partnered to provide nationwide internet assistance.
Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) is a limited-time benefit for low-income consumers that will show up as a credit on your bill for High-Speed Home Internet and could pay for a computing device. The U.S. Congress and President established this benefit in 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. EBB may be valid for 6 months.
Broadband is the technical term for access to the Internet. Both words are used and both mean access to the Internet.
Eligible Consumers Can Receive
Up to $50 per month on Home Internet service
Up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal Lands
One-time discount of up to $100 for a computer or a tablet (offered in California by human-I-T when buying their broadband service)
To sign up or find more information about the available offers, please click the link below.
For more local resources and information, please click on the link below that will provide you with additional internet options.
Click Here
If that does not help please call our Technology Helpline at (805) 641-5000 x1450
Device not connecting to your home internet?
If your VUSD issued Chromebook gives you the warning that you do not have permission from the administrator to add the Wifi, please follow these steps to resolve. We apologize as some of the Chromebooks were not configured properly.
- Families should go to the parking lot at the nearest VUSD school closest to the main building.
- Next, look for the VUSDM wireless network.
- Upon connection, the parents/students need to log into the student's Google account.
- Stay connected for 2 minutes after logging into Google.
- The management policy will be downloaded during this 2 minute time period.
- The family should pursue their Google drive to confirm their file.
- After 2 minutes, the family can go home and connect to their network.