This web site provides information and resources about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for students, parents, and guardians.
Common Core State Standards FAQ Video
Highlights of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects and Math. Available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese
Application of Common core State Sandards for English Language Learners
Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core Standards- Mathematics
Application of Common Core state Standards for Students with Disabilities
Encourage your students to read nonfiction. It increases their knowledge of both academic and content area vocabulary and promotes the 21st century critical thinking and college readiness skills the new Common Core Standards emphasize. The following 4 web sites are free and full of excellent nonfiction articles for kids/tweens:
After reading an article, have your child complete a strategy called 3-2-1 -- write down 3 facts learned, 2 new vocabulary words (with definitions) and 1 comment or question he has about the article. This strategy helps with recall, retention, analysis, summarization and vocabulary acquisition.