(805) 641-5496 - 316 Howard St, Ventura CA


International Day!

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International Day was an awesome trip around the world.  Each grade level represented a country or area of the world. Kindergarteners took us to Asia to see panda bears, Chinese lanterns and koi ponds. First grade allowed us to travel all over South America where we got to listen to samba music, see the ancient ruins of Tikal, and learn about the many countries of South America. Second grade took us to Africa where we learned about their native language Swahili; saw many tribal masks and students even baked Chapati, East African bread. In the third grade classes we were able to experience the Arctic Oceans and Antarctica; we swam through the beautiful coral reefs and saw killer whales. Fourth grade showed us the Leaning Tower of Pisa and other areas and art from Italy. Fifth grade students played us the didgeridoo and taught us about Australia. Thank you for participating in the International Day serpentine parade! 

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