(805) 641-5496 - 316 Howard St, Ventura CA


Jog-A-Thon 2015

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This year's jog-a-thon took place on Wednesday, October 14th. All students participated in a special Jog-A-Thon obstacle course complete with hurdles, bean-bag tossing, and hoops to jump through set to fun and energizing music. Students and families raised over $24,000 through this health and wellness related event! This met the school-wide $20,000 goal which triggered an all-staff minion dress-up which occurred on Friday, October 30th. The class who raised the most was Ms. Garcia's who raised over $3,000. Students who raised at least $100 were invited to attend a special smoothie party held on Thursday, November 12th. Over 100 students earned the smoothie party! Mrs. Bento and Mrs. Guzman's class both had the highest participation rates, with 88% of students bringing in donations. School-wide we had about 46% of students bring in donations. Grand prizes students were able to choose from included a BB8 robot, a razor scooter, a kindle reader, and a boogie board. A huge thank you goes out to PTA for organizing the event, the teachers for promoting the evnt and dresing up like minions, and of course a huge thank you to all students who worked hard to raise money for our school! PTA uses donated money to help buy supplies for teacher's classrooms, provide at least one field trip per grade level, support the cross country team, and much more! Thank you PTA!

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