(805) 641-5496 - 316 Howard St, Ventura CA


Family STEaM Night 2015

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This year Will Rogers hosted its first ever family STEaM Night! STEaM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Technology. Friday night June 5th the Will Rogers cafeteria was transformed into a fun-filled fest of hands-on STEaM activities for the whole family! Also on display were all science fair projects, as well as the amazing environmental science theme projects that students worked so hard on throughout the entire year to complete during class time. UC Santa Barbara's REEF also joined the fun by bringing their mobile touch tanks filled with starfish, kelp, and other local marine animals that students were able to learn about through touch and by learning from the UCSB students. We also debuted our brand new Dash and Dot robots that our students will be using during class next year. 4th and 5th grade student leaders helped young students as they had to program Dash robots through robot mazes of different difficulty levels. Our student leaders also led a wind-turbine blade design challenge to see which types of wind turbine blades could produce the most electricity. For Art, Señora Ruvalcaba led a beautiful drawing contest where participants had to do their best to draw a to scale portrait of famous environmental scientists, incorporating both math and science into art. Integrating art into technology was Mr. Soles leading a Dash robot station where students had to use the iPads to program Dash to play a xylophone. Our brand new cordless compound microscopes were also on display, with many mystery specimens to look at and guess at what they are. The event was well-attended and fun for the entire family! We look forward to STEaM night becoming a tradition at Will Rogers for many years to come. 

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