(805) 641-5496 - 316 Howard St, Ventura CA


Fall Session LEGO Club

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Yesterday was the last class of our debut session of after school "LEGO Club." For 5 weeks, 4th and 5th graders met after school to design a robotic amusement park using the LEGO WeDo curriculum. Students worked in pairs to design impressive structures including a Ferris wheel, carousel, and a finish line for racing cars. After building the structures, students programmed them to spin, twirl, and light up using visual, block-based coding. Their programs also including tilt and motion sensors, so they could program the rides to be operated by pulling on a lever, just like at a real amusement park. On the last day of the class, students were given free choice to explore more with the robotics curriculum, or to produce a movie of what they accomplished during the class. Check out these amazing videos below!


LEGO Amusement Park by Kamea Kellner, 4th grade


LEGO Club by Sinthia Cardenas and Alondra Gonzalez, 5th grade


This class was primarily taught in Spanish by Will Rogers third grade teacher Sra. Escobedo Esquivel, with help from MSAP science teacher Mrs. de Witte. The next session of LEGO club for 4th and 5th graders will begin end of January, and will be taught primarily in English. The students will design a robotic construction site during Winter Session, and permission slips will be sent home immediately after Winter Break. First priority will go to students who did not participate in the fall session, and the class size limit will be kept to 20 students chosen at random. Please contact mandi.dewitte@venturausd.org for any questions concerning signups. 

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