Citrus Glen School uses a "Banking Time" schedule to create time for staff to learn and collaborate on instructional strategies, curriculum, and State Frameworks that directly impact both teachers and students. This innovative schedule has proven to be beneficial for our students because of increased teacher knowledge, understanding and skills that are used in the classroom.
The logistics of the schedule are as follows: Instructional time is added to each of four days in the school week and on the fifth day instructional time is reduced by that total amount. School hours are 7:55 a.m. to 2:30 and 2 :40 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 7:55 a.m. to 11:30/11:35/11:40 on Fridays.
Saturday Academy will be held periodically for those students who have missed one or more days of school during the school year. Students will be able to participate in a variety of enriching and exciting activities, such as arts and crafts, math games, writing and bookmaking, reading games, Readers' Theatre, Accelerated Reader and quizzes, science videos, intervention packets for English Language Arts and Math, and physical education. Brunch will be provided free of charge at 10:00 a.m. for all children who participate. We will be able to have two classes with twenty seats in each class, which will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Be the first to return your completed forms so your child can benefit from this wonderful learning experience at Citrus Glen Elementary School. Know, too, that you are also helping improve our Average Daily Attendance rates. No bus transportation will be available for students.
The office telephone is not to be used by students except when absolutely necessary. Students are not to use the phone to make personal arrangements such as requesting to go to a friend's home after school. Due to various classroom schedules, the office is not able to guarantee that messages for students will be received before the end of the day.